Ted Ferguson Biography

Ted Ferguson Biography

From Mooretown to Motown, Hollywood to Nollywood (Nigeria), Paris to Papeete from KarlMarxstadt to the Congo and back again....

Ted Ferguson grew up in Mooretown, Shreveport's largest and toughest ghetto. He has 40 years of broadcasting experience before becoming a Film, TV and Commercial actor. Ted, having grown up in an African American community in Shreveport, an Urban station in Motown (Detroit)had to have been his destiny...Within a 6 month period in 1975, China Jones(Ted's Air name) became the number one night DJ (6pm to 10pm) in Detroit Radio...after 6 years in "The Motor City", China headed west, to Hollywood to become Program Director of Century Broadcasting's KWST (KWEST). Which shortly afterward became Power 106. Again an urban giant in Los Angeles.

After L.A. it was off to Amsterdam and Paris...to help build what is today, the largest and most successful private radio network in the World, NRJ, (900 stations). Working with Jean-Paul Baudecroux, Max Guazzini and Alan Weill, The NRJ success story is unequaled. Ted in the beginning was the only one with prior radio experience...so he took on the role of trainer, teacher, consultant and Head of International Programming and Sales... First project was build up the french part of the Network...Second task was to build 4 stations in the Old DDR (East Germany) in Leipzig, Dresden and KarlMarxStadt (Chemnitz). Third was to bring private radio to Sweden with the opening of 32 stations, nationwide. In Holland,for 2 years, Ted consulted the National Dutch Radio Company, (NOS) and created a music testing system that has become the industry standard throughout the world today.

Ted/China retired from radio and work at the age of 50 in 1999, but decided, in 2005, to go back to LSU at the age of 57, to fulfill a commitment he made to himself when he flunked out in 68 in the middle of the Vietnam war. The purpose was to get off scholastic probation (from 1968 to 2005, 40 years)...Ted Studied, full time, Drama/Film acting and psychology...and accomplished that mission after a year as a full time student...Other schools where Ted studied various courses are: The Sorbonne in Paris, UCLA Westwood, Victoria University Wellington, NZ...and LSUS.

After retirement Ted embarked upon a number of odd consulting jobs with Radio 1 and Tiare FM In Papeete, Tahiti, Hot Fm in Abuja, Nigeria, Smooth Fm in Lagos, Nigeria and Radio PRK in Bunia D R Congo. Ted had the pleasure of living in these places while working with the respective stations. The result, Ted is fluent in French, Proficient in German and Very Proficient in Spanish, with a working knowledge of Swahili. Later and most recently Ted spent time in The Congo serving in a missionary capacity, building a Christian Radio station for the Church of Christ. Additionally he did a mission assignment in Vera Cruz as an English teacher at a seminary. Thus spending time in the pulpit, leading Bible study classes...In addition, Ted has worked, over the years, teaching a Biblical 12 step program at the Shreveport Rescue Mission plus handling all the media advertising, Television Production and talent work for the mission and for the Salvation Army in Texarkana, Ark.
- Biography for Ted Ferguson written By: Jon St. Clair